Cooking is overwhelming for your clients & they feel paralyzed thinking about what to buy…let alone cook!
Kitchen Confidence Resource Library
More Time with Clients During Sessions & Support In-Between
Created by a Chef | Registered Dietitian
Robust Cooking Skill-Focused Resource Library
Well, you can! Sort of…
You’re spending too much time searching for recipes for your clients…
Creating individualized Pinterest boards to inspire them…
Buying access to really expensive meal planning apps…
…but when it comes down to it…
they still have to go home & cook!
99.9% of the time that’s where the overwhelm strikes!
You can set your clients up for success in the kitchen!
With access to the resource library, your clients will have a chef/RD in their pocket 24/7 to virtually guide them through healthy cooking in their kitchen! That means a ton of support for you client…and chef/RD on your team!
You & Your Clients Have Access to…
An robust virtual cooking video resource library
Easy to follow 5 minute videos (accessible on all devices)
Learning the cooking method behind the recipes
Exploring how flavors work together
Learning how to cook with new cultural flavors
How it Works...
1. RD Becomes a Member
2. RD Gives Client Login Info
3. RD has more time w. Clients & Clients gain Kitchen Confidence
Membership Benefits
The Registered Dietitian Membership gives you & your clients access to the Kitchen Confidence Resource Library.
Video Content Library
30+ Quick 5 minute cooking instruction videos
Downloadable play-by-play guides for each cooking method
Teaching focus — the skills behind the recipe allowing your clients to cook healthy & delicious meals, quickly, with the foods they already love & have at home.
Making food flavorful with herbs, spices & so much more!
20+, 10 minute mini trainings & recipe breakdowns so your clients can see how to put their skills into action!
The Kitchen Confidence Resource Library is…
Another tool in your tool belt to offer clients who need additional cooking skills & support, in the kitchen, between sessions.
Another RD on your team! Being a solopreneur is frickin hard! Doing it all is hard! You may not be in a place where you can bring on a VA or another RD…so instead of hiring another RD for 30K…become a member of the resource library & add a virtual chef/RD to your team for wayyy less! To help you support you clients & their cooking needs!
This will allow you more time during the sessions to focus on more pressing health & nutrition matters.
Less time scrolling through Pinterest to find the perfect recipe for your clients.
An opportunity for additional revenue! Pricing access to the resource library is totally up to you! You can…
Charge your clients “cost” for access to the library…
Increase the price of the library so you can gain revenue…
Roll it into your existing program as added value!
Affordable! — $99 month (unlimited client access)
Only $99 per month (unlimited client access)
Have questions about how the Kitchen Confidence Resource Library can work for you & your clients? Want to chat? Contact me here!